Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lady Bugs Swarm - Jan. 31, 2010

Discovered while on a walk in Murphys, CA by friends Jesse Campbell and Sara Garcia. At first they just noticed a few lady bugs on the bushes and flying in the air when their eye caught several clumps of thousands.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Aquaponics - is the fertilization of plants using circulating water around the plants rooting system - in this case I am using a fish (Koy & gold fish) pond as the source of fertilizer (fish waste) and a 4" pipe with 3" holes on top about 6  to 8" apart. No media is used, the 4" drainage pipe is simply used to hold the plants in place while the water circulates from the pond using a small pond pump and a 5/8" drip irrigation hose to the far end of the pipe. The pipe is then slightly downward so that gravity spills the water back into the pond. I've grown lettuce, cucumber, strawberry, & tomato's this way.


Friday, December 18, 2009

New varieties of lettuce and new experiment

New varieties of lettuce seed  I am trying are: Really Red Deer Tongue, Samantha, Australian Yellow, Mascara, Hyper Red Rumple Waved, Lollo de Vino,  Redder Ruffled Oak, Merlot, Redina, Red Eared Butterhead.    12/7/09

Experiment: comparing growth media and its affect on sprouting and growth using different types of media
           Media types: burlap, cellulose fibers, and perlite/vermiculite mix
           Fertilizer: 1 tablespoon of Vita B1 to 2 gal water - very mild for sprouting


                                       cellulose mat on left,
2 parts perlite  to 1 part vermiculite mix in next 3 bins

                                                      sprouting after 2 days on burlap     12/9/09

                                                      rockwool cubes in an incubator      12/10/09

                                                      tomato seedlings  1 1/2 weeks  later     12/20/09

                                                    lettuce seedlings 1/1/10      3 weeks later


tomatoes 2 - 4 leafs and horned melon 2 leafs    1-1-10          3 weeks later

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hydro Sprouting

Hydro Sprouting of Seeds is basically get the media damp, applying the seeds to the media, and adding some warmth source with out drying out the media and seeds as they germinate. Two sources of heat: heat generated from overhead fluorescent light or bottom heat from a growing heating pad. I use the lighting. In both cases you must keep an eye out that the media does not dry out and stop the germination process.


                                                  Plastic tray from Walmart

Burlap from the Walmart fabric section

cut the burlap to fit in the bottom

wet the burlap with plain tap water and let it soak 20 to 40 min

sprinkle seeds (mine are lettuce) not to close to allow growth
you can spread them aroung with your finger or tweezers

add over head light ( mine is flourescent) 11/21/09
and keep moist not flooded

seeds will sprout in about 3 to 5 days  11/25/09

Australian Yellow Lettuce  12/15/09
3 weeks later

Red Kale   12/15/09
3 weeks later


                                    Cellulose Fiber Mat
                                         3 weeks later

Monday, November 30, 2009

Growing Media

                 There are many kinds of growing media, here I will list some of the most favorite.

1.5 " rock wool starter cubes

4 " rock wool grow blocks


Cellulose fiber mat

           Vermiculite (aborbs water)

                   Perlite (forms air pockets)

 2 parts Perlite / 1 part Vermiculite

Friday, November 27, 2009

Build a light source

Flourescent light panel

Materials needed: 2 - 4' long 2 flourescent bulb panels w/ 3 prong elect plugs and cord, 2 - 1" x 4" x 1' long  pieces of wood, 8 - 1 1/4'" long self tapping screws, 4 - 1' long chain (comes w/ light panels), a plug strip, and a 24 hr timer.


                                      Assemble the wood pieces at each end first as shown below.

Then secure one 1' chain at each end as shown below.

Attach one of the chains to the middle of the other chain as shown below.

Now you can attach each little chain assemblies to a longer hanging chain.
See below.

Now add the strip, timer, and plugs and you have a light source for growing the green vegetative stage.

Set the timer for 12 hrs on and 12 hrs off
( if you have a window next to your plants set the timer to turn
 lights on at night so that they take advantage of the free daylight during the day)